Game Dev Friends Club Blog


Environment Design

Lately I’ve been ultra focused on environment design for my 2D sidescroller game. The biggest piece of feedback I got on my first release of love you tender was that it was hard to...


PLAY love you tender

Hey, LOOK! It’s the barebones-iest demo version of my indie game! This is my first playable reveal of what I’ve been working on – a simple 2D side-scroller platformer. Can you beat it? Probably....


Game Dev Friends Club

YOU (yes you) could be a member of the absolutely aggressively exclusive GAMEDEVOID FRIENDS CLUB. Do you have what it takes?


Game Enemy Design Starter Guide

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how enemies in video games work, and through the research I’ve done so far, I’ve put together an enemy design starter guide to consider when planning enemy...


Why I’m not planning my video game

So you might know I’m making a video game! How cool! I’ve been working on my game for about 6 months now and thought I’d write a bit of an update on what I’m...